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MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. For more information, please refer to mkdocs documentation.

This package includes the following plugins:

And additional features:

  • Automatic reference to the source code (docs/ and imports the associated docstring for each function.
  • Support for LaTeX equations directly within the code docstring thanks to mathjax.

Local deployment

To deploy the MKDocumentation locally, run the following command:

poetry run mkdocs serve

Github Pages deployment

The MkDocs documentation is automatically generated and published to Github Pages using the github-docs.yml workflow. The workflow is triggered on each push to the main branch and on each release. The workflow will build the documentation and push it to the `gh-pages` branch. Then, a second workflow will be trigered on the `gh-pages` branch focused on the deployment. Once completed, the documentation website is available at https://<USERNAME><REPOSITORY_NAME>/.

NOTE: Prior to deployment make sure you have activated the Github Pages feature (repository > settings > pages) in the repository settings.